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Big Data projects in pondicherry 2021-2022

IEEE Projects Titles 2020 | Big Data projects in Pondicherry 2021-2022 Final Year Projects Titles  2020-2021

Big Data projects in Pondicherry 2021-2022, Big data IEEE Projects Titles 2020-2021, Big data Final Year Projects Titles 2020-2021, Big Data technologies are the software utility designed for analyzing, processing, and extracting information from the unstructured large data which can’t be handled with the traditional data processing software. It is the topmost big data tool. Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework developed by Apache Software foundation for storing and processing Big Data. Hadoop stores and processes data in a distributed computing environment across the cluster of commodity hardware.  Companies required big data processing technologies to analyze the massive amount of real-time data. Power System IEEE Projects 2020-2021, Power System Final Year 2020-2021. We are offering ieee projects 2020-2021 in latest technology like Java ieee projects, dotnet ieee projects, android ieee projects, embedded ieee projects, embedded diploma projects, embedded mini projects, matlab ieee projects, digital image processing ieee projects, dip ieee projects,  vlsi ieee projects, hadoop ieee projects, power electronics ieee projects, power system ieee projects IEEE Master is a unit of LeMeniz Infotech. Best big data projects for Students, Android application IEEE Projects, PHP IEEE projects, java IEEE projects, data science IEEE projects, We guide all final year M.E/M.Tech, B.E/B.Tech, MPhil, MCA, BCA, M.Sc, B.Sc, and Diploma students for their Academic Projects to get best results.

big data
1. A Comprehensive Trustworthy Data Collection Approach in Sensor-Cloud Systems –Java 2020-2021
2. Structural Balance Theory-based E-commerce Recommendation over Big Rating Data – Java 2020-2021